Kick-S College Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore Logo

The Best Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore

Let’s double your productivity through our accountability coaching service for college and university students. 

Kick-S College Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore

with kick-s

You will Experience

  • Significant growth in your academic performance.
  • Effortless collaboration and teamwork.
  • Improved study habits tailored to your needs.
  • Consistent focus and productivity every day.
  • Transforming your academic aspirations into tangible achievements swiftly.

Countless students have integrated our accountability coaching into their lives, achieving remarkable academic success.

Now, it’s your time to shine.


Success Stories

Are you a College or University Student
facing academic challenges or seeking
to improve your grades?

Do you find yourself dealing with
procrastination, anxiety, or other personal
obstacles that affect your studies? 

Kick-S is the best accountability coaching service in Singapore dedicated to helping
you become the best version of yourself.

Kick-S College Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore
Kick-S College the best Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore
Kick-S College the best Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore

how kick-s

can help you

Kick-S is a powerful 3-month accountability coaching program for college students who want to excel academically and overcome personal challenges. It’s not just about grades; it’s about growth. We recognize that procrastination, mood swings, anxiety, and even learning disabilities can significantly hinder academic and personal progress. That’s why Kick-S offers a holistic and personalized coaching. 

With Kick-S, students gain the benefits of a dedicated academic ally and a motivational guide, empowering you to achieve your goals with confidence.

as your accountability coaches,

this is what we do

Guidance and Support
Your personal accountability coach at Kick-S is here to provide guidance and support throughout your college journey.
Celebrating Wins
Every achievement, big or small, is celebrated together to keep the positive momentum.
Collaborative Learning
Engage in group study sessions and connect with peers in the Kick-S community.
Goal Setting
We help you set clear and achievable goals, breaking down larger tasks into manageable steps.
Overcoming Setbacks
We assist in bouncing back from setbacks, offering strategies to overcome challenges.
Transformative Journey
We aim to transform your academic goals into tangible achievements.
Personalized Study Plans
Tailored study plans to suit your learning style and academic needs.
Study Buddy Mentality
Think of us as your study buddy, committed to your success.
Ready Support System
Whether you need assistance with assignments, time management, or motivation, we've got your back.
Motivational Boost
As your dedicated cheerleader, we offer motivational support to keep you inspired and focused.
We ensure you stay on track by holding you accountable for your commitments and goals.
Super College Experience
Join us to experience the magic of having a dedicated ally, making your college journey extraordinary! 🚀✨

Top Grades

Academic success is at the core of our coaching approach. We guide you in achieving top grades by providing personalized study plans, effective time management strategies, and tailored support for your academic challenges.

Career Skills Development

Beyond grades, we prioritize the development of essential career skills. Kick-S empowers you with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate your academic journey while honing the practical skills required for your future career.

Professional Networking

Kick-S recognizes the importance of professional connections. We guide you in building a robust professional network, offering insights into effective networking strategies with mentors and industry professionals.

 Personal Networking

Your personal connections matter. Kick-S helps you cultivate meaningful personal relationships, fostering a supportive community that contributes positively to your college experience and beyond.

Physical Health

A healthy body supports a healthy mind. Kick-S emphasizes the importance of maintaining physical well-being through practical tips on exercise, nutrition, and overall health.

Mental Health

Mental health is paramount. Kick-S provides resources and support to help you prioritize your mental well-being. We offer mindfulness practices, stress management techniques, and a supportive community to ensure a balanced and resilient mindset.


how it works

Kick-S College the best Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore

Step 1

Join us for a free consultation call to double your productivity. CLICK HERE, and find a time that works best for you.

Kick-S College the best Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore

Step 2

Learn how you can immediately 2X your PRODUCTIVITY.

During the call, we will assess your situation in depth, understand the root causes of your challenges, and explore your goals. The call aims to show you straightforward steps to double your productivity immediately.

If you want to work together after the call and if we feel that you would be a good fit, you can proceed with payment to officially join Kick-S. If we do not work together, we will still provide you with a framework that you can work on, ensuring your growth continues.

Kick-S College the best Accountability Coaching Service in Singapore

Step 3

Our journey to drive you to your HIGHEST POTENTIAL.

Success Framework within 24 Hours

Once you become a part of the Kick-S program, within the next 24 hours, we’ll craft a personalized success framework exclusively tailored to your needs. This comprehensive plan spans the upcoming 30 days, including scheduled check-ins, assessments, and specific commitments. It’s the blueprint for your transformative journey with Kick-S.


First 30 Days – Building Momentum

During the first 30 days, our check-ins are pivotal. Together, we set ambitious goals, identify potential failure points, and work collaboratively to overcome challenges. By celebrating small wins, this period is designed to build momentum and establish a success routine, fostering a winning mindset.


Next 30 Days – Mastering the Inner Game

The following 30 days are dedicated to reinforcing success strategies, internalizing methods, and working on the “inner game.”


Final 30 Days – Internalization and Unconscious Competence

In the last leg, we work intensively to internalize the methods, ensuring they become second nature, where success becomes a natural part of your routine.

The Best Accountability Coaching in Singapore

A Message From The Best Accountability Coach

Hey there, college superhero! Welcome to Kick-S – the ultimate hangout where we’re not just coaches, we’re your best buds in conquering college chaos.

Guess what? We believe in you. No, seriously, we do! If conquering your college goals feels like diving headfirst into a sea of chaos, don’t worry. We’re here to handhold you through the academic rollercoaster, making sure you come out on top, grinning from ear to ear.

So, picture this: you, rocking your study sessions, acing exams, and giving procrastination the boot. At Kick-S, we’re not just turning “I’ll do it later” into “I’m doing it now,” we’re turning your academic journey into a celebration of victories – big and small.

Life as a student can be a wild ride – late-night study sessions, existential ponderings about majors, and maybe too much coffee. But fear not, because Kick-S is your trusty sidekick, academic confidant, and biggest cheerleader.

We’re not just about coaching; we’re about creating a space where you feel pumped and ready to take on your world. We know the journey is challenging, so we created this service to support you at your lowest and encourage you to succeed.






Mastering Exam Preparation

Strategies for Effective Study

Let’s make “I GOT THIS” your
daily mantra, and together, let’s 
unleash the super hero within

Having more time in college means more opportunities to make friends, join clubs, and engage in activities. It’s not just about having extra hours; it’s a chance to build meaningful connections, share experiences, and create lasting memories. With time to spare, you can explore different social circles, improve communication skills, and develop a strong support system. College becomes the experience that you have dreamed about.

P.S. we are real humans that care, not robots.