Transforming Your College Experience

Discover the transformative benefits of Kick-S
Accountability Coaching:


1. Personalized Academic Guidance:
Tailored study plans designed around your unique learning style and goals, ensuring a personalized approach to academic success.

2. Motivational Support System:
Be inspired and encouraged by our dedicated coaches who act as your personal cheerleaders, turning setbacks into comebacks and challenges into triumphs.

3. Community Connection for Success:
Join a vibrant community of like-minded students, engaging in collaborative learning through group coaching sessions and study groups.

Kick procrastination to the curb and embrace a college experience where achievement is not just a goal but a
shared journey. Ready to elevate your game? Let’s embark on your transformative academic journey together!

Study With

Study with Me: Virtual Focus Sessions

Immerse yourself in our Virtual Study Oasis on Zoom, offered twice daily at 10 am SGT / 6 pm PST / 1 pm AEST, and 2 pm SGT / 10 pm PST / 5 pm AEST.

Join us for an hour of concentrated productivity with gentle music and binaural beats. No talking, just shared energy as students commit to focused work. Switch on your camera, set intentions, and let the serene sounds guide you. Find peace, and let shit get done.