When you join Kick-S

Join us for a free consultation call to double your productivity.
CLICK HERE, and find a time that works best for you.

During the call, we will assess your situation in depth, understand the root causes of your challenges, and explore your goals. The call aims to show you straightforward steps to double your productivity immediately.

If you want to work together after the call and if we feel that you would be a good fit, you can proceed with payment to officially join Kick-S. If we do not work together, we will still provide you with a framework that you can work on, ensuring your growth continues.

Once you become a part of the Kick-S program, within the next 24 hours, we’ll craft a personalized success framework exclusively tailored to your needs. This comprehensive plan spans the upcoming 30 days, including scheduled check-ins, assessments, and specific commitments. It’s the blueprint for your transformative journey with Kick-S.
During the first 30 days, our check-ins are pivotal. Together, we set ambitious goals, identify potential failure points, and work collaboratively to overcome challenges. By celebrating small wins, this period is designed to build momentum and establish a success routine, fostering a winning mindset.

The following 30 days are dedicated to reinforcing success strategies, internalizing methods, and working on the “inner game.”

In the last leg, we work intensively to internalize the methods, ensuring they become second nature, where success becomes a natural part of your routine.

At Kick-S, we guide you through a structured, step-by-step process, providing the support and strategies needed for lasting success.